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One of my favorite breathing techniques to help with meditation is 3・5・7.  I have three audios below – one to teach you the basics of meditating, another to teach the technique of 3・5・7, and the third to walk you through a guided meditation to practice it.  Enjoy ♥︎
Learn the basics of meditating here:  (only about 2.5 minutes)
Learn how to use 3・5・7 breathing here:  (just less than 4 minutes)
Practice with a guided meditation here:  (only about seven minutes)
a downloadable link is below

Sign up below to get information on my course, Meditation 77,
where I teach you how to create a practice of meditating that fits you and your lifestyle
(it’s all virtual, so you can learn from the comfort of your home)

You can download the above guided meditation for 3・5・7 breathing technique with this link →