![about shannon elhart](http://shannonelhart.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/9-1.png)
Do you wish to…
be happier
more confident
no longer think negatively every time you look in the mirror
stop worrying about what everyone thinks of you
know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you ARE good enough – just the way you are
You’re not alone.
I craved all of those things, too. I believe most women do.
However, most of those women spend the rest of life never finding these qualities or always believing that it’s
‘normal’ to not have them.
But there are women figure it out. They find the happiness, confidence, and positive thinking that they desire, and they know, darn well, that they ARE ENOUGH!
I want YOU to be one of those women!
There are three reasons I believe so many women struggle to feel happy and good enough:
1 – I believe we crave these things mostly because of the marketing and indirect messages we ‘hear’ on social media, in movies and songs, even in the nonchalant conversations we have throughout each day.
The message is “You need to change, you need THIS in order to be good enough.”
‘THIS’ can be bigger breasts or more money, a nicer home or a passionate lover/husband/wife, perfect kids, a manicured lawn, a thinner and more toned body, or those perfect black heels that’ll make you look amazing. Once you have this, then you will be happy… then you will be enough.
2 – I also believe we crave these things because we’ve never been taught what to do when life hurts. There are no lessons in school about what to do when your heart is broken, when your spouse has an affair, when a loved one dies, when your friend betrays you, or when you experience violence such as sexual or physical abuse, rape, or even narcissistic control.
3 – To make it even more frustrating – considering the messages that we need ‘this’ to be enough and that we’re never taught what to do with pain – WE ARE STILL THEN TOLD to look good, stay hip, be kind, take care of everyone else first, and never get too angry.
It’s nuts. And, to be perfectly frank, it was driving me nuts.
The good news is…
I found the answers… I found a better way.
After more than seven years in traditional therapy, I still needed more help.
This wasn’t because of clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, or any other diagnosis.
It was because I hadn’t yet learn HOW to live a happier, more confident life free from the pain in my past.
The pain in my past included:
- the death of my second child, Jonathan
- rape (at age 18… still destroying aspects of my life at age 38)
- alcoholism
- a divorce from hell (you wouldn’t believe how unnecessarily painful this became)
- NEVER feeling like I fit in anywhere
- deep (sometimes scary – even paralyzing) depression
ss - and, the coup de grâce (that I believe most women suffer with), the lifelong belief that I was not good enough
HERE’S WHAT I LEARNED after therapy had ended
(and this surprised the heck out of me!)
There are TOOLS you can use in order to live your best life!
Obviously I was aware of (and had wielded) tools before – screwdrivers, hammers, even a jigsaw, but I did not know that there were tools when it came to happiness. HAPPINESS TOOLS!!
I learned that I could use these tools when I was feeling upset in any way – they helped me understand my upset rather
than stuff it inside or allow it to ruin my day.
These tools helped me understand and accept all my emotions and use them to help me rather than hold me back.
They showed me how to better understand who I am and why I do, feel, and believe as I do.
The tools taught me about mindset and showed me how I can change my brain’s patterns of thinking and stop the incessant, inner negativity I’d been hearing all my life (in my head).
I learned how to forgive.
And I started living with more intention, optimism, and confidence.
The tools are priceless, and I knew I had to find a way to share them with other women.
Once I started using the tools in my life – EVERYTHING got better.
I healed from Jonathan’s death, from the violence of rape (20 years after it happened), from alcoholism (I’ve been very happily sober for many years now), from the divorce, and from the beliefs that I didn’t have a place in this world and that I was never good enough.
My life was so much better, I was so much happier and more confident, and – best of all – the pain that I’d been carrying for years (even decades) stopped.
I just knew I had to create something different… something to help women heal more quickly and powerfully.
I pulled all these tools + many other resources together to create
an ALTERNATIVE to therapy called Insight Healing™