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Preparing for an Akashic Reading with Shannon Elhart
(a downloadable/printable version is below)   

If you’d like direction with how to implement what you learn from the reading, I do offer an 80-90 minute session that includes coaching immediately after the reading.  To learn more go to here.

To best prepare for your reading, consider these things:

  1. Drink plenty of water during the 24 hours before your reading and avoid alcohol
  2. Have 3-6 questions ready to ask the Divine.  These must be open.ended and not time.oriented.  There are samples below, and I’m happy to help you formulate them when we meet.  Don’t worry too much about this!
  3. About ten minutes before our appointment, take time to do these things:
    1. Find a comfortable place to sit and relax.  Be sure you’ll be undisturbed.
    2. Have a paper and pen available in case you want to take notes.
    3. Close your eyes for a few minutes and focus on your breathing.  On each out.breath, relax your body – especially your shoulders and jaw.
    4. If you want, say a little prayer, “Thank you (God, Spirit, Universe, Source, Higher Self…) for the guidance you provide today through Shannon.  I trust I am always loved, connected, and shown the way through this life.  All is well.

When it’s time for our appointment, call me at the number below so we can record the call if you choose to.  If you’re outside the U.S. we can meet on Skype – be sure to let me know and send a request via Skype to shannon.elhart

Number: 267-807-9611, Use code: 791848

Sample questions:

Why is (name) in my life? (parent, sibling, lover, partner, child, co.worker, etc)

What role is ___ in my life? (a new job, home, location, relationship, illness etc)

What can I learn from ___ happening? (divorce, job loss, financial uncertainty, death, illness, etc)

What can I do to move out of (circumstance)?

What must I do to find (a passionate career, a meaningful relationship, resolution to a problem, etc)?

How can I create ___ in my life (love, purpose, hope, healthy relationships, inner peace, etc)

What is a purpose of my life?

Is there anything I need to learn from a previous life?

Were (name) and I connected in a previous life?

Why is ___ happening in my life?

What can I do to continue being the best person I can be?

Why does (circumstance) keep happening in my life? (financial issues, job loss, broken heart, etc)

How can I let go of (person or circumstance) and move on?

What can I do to remain more connected to God/the Divine/Spirit/my Higher Self?

How can I be the best person I can?

How can I find more inner peace and happiness in life?

Please tell me anything that will help me in my life right now.

Some more questions are here

Here’s a printable copy
if you’d like!