Hi, I’m Shannon, I created these free mini-courses to show you the power of healing pain from your past and to help you take the first step in your healing journey!
Everyone goes through tough times in life.
The problem is that most women don’t know what to do during those tough times or afterward. Society teaches us all sorts of ways to stuff the pain inside – drinking too much, turning to food, wracking up credit cards, becoming a workaholic, keeping constantly ‘busy,’ even taking drugs (prescription or not)… anything to not feel the pain or to not think about your life.
The worst thing I see in women who are holding onto pain is that the past is defining and limiting them.
For example, a woman who’s spouse had an affair defines herself as ‘the woman whose husband cheated‘ or ‘the woman who’s not good enough so her husband left her for another (better) woman‘ or ‘a victim of infidelity.‘
This limits her because she remains angry, depressed, feeling like she’s not good enough or like she’s an overall victim in life. Bringing those beliefs into her future (or on a date with a nice guy) limits her because, to be honest, that isn’t very fun to be around.
Healing the painful experiences you’ve had in life FREES YOU – whether that pain happened when you were a little girl or as a grown woman. Healing lets you leave it in the past – where it belongs, and that frees you to create a future that is not defined or limited by pain but created from confidence, joy, hope, and intentional living.
These mini-courses were designed to help you immediately and to give you a game plan to start your personal journey of healing.
By the way, I value your feedback and am always interested in improving these mini-courses – hopefully you can tell that I’ve poured my heart into them. Please shoot me an email to let me know what you think – shannon@shannonelhart.com.
There’s a mini-course on each of the following topics.
They range in time from 20-60 minutes. Some are video, others are audio.
Self-Worth/Loving Yourself
Child Abuse
If there’s a topic you wish I had a course on – please let me know. I’ve worked with hundreds of people over 27 years to help them heal & love who they are…
I will happily create another topic if it’ll help just one more women :)
You can send a request to Heather by going here.
SELF-WORTH & LOVING YOURSELF ~ maybe you don’t know why… you just know that you don’t love yourself
When you don’t love yourself, everything in your life is affected. That’s because YOU are a part of every aspect of your life… your relationships, your career, your finances, your health… it is ALL impacted by how you feel about YOU.
So much can impact your self-love: society, marketing, media, relationships, expectations (from others, society, and even yourself)… gosh, just checking out in the grocery store line puts doubt in your mind as you peruse magazine covers of ‘perfect’ women with perfect lives – you forget about the airbrushing of photographs and the hidden pain that even a famous, beautiful, wealthy woman probably has, too.
It’s not fun if you…
look in the mirror and think negative thoughts
lack the confidence to reach for your dreams and create what you really want in life
compare yourself to other women – always feeling like you are
less than they are
pretend to be happier than you really are
think about yourself in negative ways
never feel good enough
It’d be nice if you had been born with an instruction manual that explained how this self-love thing works as a woman.
There is a manual of sorts on How To Love Yourself. It shows you how to stop the negative self-talk so you can release the unconscious habit of beating yourself up and step fully into loving who you are. Listen now so you can start being nice to yourself :)
They say divorce is one of the hardest things to go through. And they’re right. Divorce changes everything about your life and your future.
When your biggest relationship ends and your home, parenting, finances, other relationships, sense of self, and the plans you had for your future ALL change…. IT. IS. HARD.
and scary. and confusing. and overwhelming. and lonely.
You wonder – Will I ever find love again? What are people thinking? Am I ruining my kids? How the heck am I going to date? What on Earth do I do next… nothing feels right or familiar… I never thought this would be my life.
You might even compare your life to others – especially your ex if his/her life is moving on so wonderfully while you remain stuck.
It’d be great if you could snap your fingers and be in the nice, happy future where you are in love again and filled with confidence.
You can get to that happy future, and it can be easier than you think to get there. You just need the right steps post-divorce, and that is what most people get wrong. Watch now to learn these steps :)
Have you ever known you need to forgive someone, but it’s so darn hard or you have no idea how to do it?
The anger, resentment, and unforgiveness keeps you…
stuck in the past
clinging to people and experiences that hurt you
feeling upset
Maybe instead of someone else, you might need to forgive yourself,
and until you do…
you’re stuck in guilt, regret, or shame
you keep wishing you could ‘re-do’ the past
It would be wonderful if forgiveness would happen magically, or, at the least, if someone would teach you how to forgive. It’d be great to leave the people and experiences that hurt you in the past, where they belongs.
Here’s the truth… there is a ‘how-to’ guide on forgiveness, and it’s really not that difficult. The best part is that when you follow the steps – you are free… free from the pain, and free to create a happier future! Watch now to learn about these steps :)
Experiencing rape or other violence steals something from you. It’s like a part of you is left behind in the perpetrator’s hands.
You lose a bit of your true self
Your confidence is lower
Your fear and anger is higher
After such a terrible experience you lack things… such as feeling at ease, enjoying sex, trusting others, or really believing in yourself or your abilities
It feels ‘stolen’ because you did not deserve this. Yet, it happened and now you are the one suffering so deeply. The perpetrator probably doesn’t even think of you, and THAT is maddening!
You probably wish you could go back and erase what happened so that you could have your true self back.
Well, although you can’t un-do what’s been done to you – you CAN begin to un-do the pain and the impact it’s having on you. You CAN stop this pain from ruining your future. Listen now to start healing :)
No one understands what it’s like to be a child who is abused physically, emotionally, or sexually… not unless they’ve also been abused.
Being abused as a child steals more than your childhood… it takes away a big part of your adulthood, too.
This happens because you’re stuck with:
shame and guilt (even though you did nothing wrong)
wondering if you did do something wrong
a lack of confidence – feeling dirty or damaged
hoping you can hide this dark secret about your childhood
wondering if you’ll be judged if others find out
anger, fear, and insecurities
It’s not fair. The abuse can affect so much of your adult life – your relationship (romantic, friends, even co-workers), your work, your fun & enjoyment)… it’s not fair that someone took that from you when you were an innocent little girl. You want to be the best you can be and live a happy life, but the memories of your childhood keep you stuck. You wish you knew how to leave it all behind once and for all.
You deserve to heal that part of you – that little girl. She is the one who is holding onto the pain. You CAN heal her and live a wonderful, confident, happy, fear-free future. Listen now to begin healing that little girl inside you who’s still hurting :)
You know you have a drinking problem, but you hate that, and you dread doing anything about it… because, well, how? How do you quit drinking? What will others think of you? Will you be able to quit?
Maybe you’ve already taken the first big step and joined AA. You know you need to get sober, and you’re working the steps, but you’re also pretty darn scared… will you really ever be able to stay sober?
You’re feeling awkward at social events or avoiding them altogether – especially if it involves booze. You’re wondering if people know you’re trying to get sober or how they’re judging you.
Worst of all is facing all the truths – the blackouts, the attempts at being a normal drinker (making rules such as only drinking on Saturday nights or having a glass of water after every two glasses of wine), the guilt, shame, and fear of being viewed as a ‘drunk,’ and – most importantly – the worry that you’ll never be able to do this… alcohol is too big and you are too hooked… will you ever be able to get sober and not relapse?
Yes, you can. I promise. I’ve been exactly where you are, and I know how scary and hard it is getting sober. Here’s the thing – AA and the Twelve Steps are great, but they are missing two very important things: Step Thirteen and Step Fourteen. Missing these two was why I kept relapsing, and they’re the reason I’ve seen other determined AA women fall off the wagon. Once I learned these missing steps, sobriety was much easier. Listen now to learn about Steps 13 & 14 :)
Are you wondering about what it means to ‘Heal the Past’?