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Have you ever envied another woman?  Perhaps she seemed to draw others to her… including you?

l will admit… there have been a few women who I was in slight awe of.  None were famous.  None were rich.  None were jaw-dropping beautiful.  None stood out in any extraordinary way.  Just normal women.

But there was this thing about each.  An energy?  A way of holding herself?  A sense of self?

Each seemed to have a life of ease.  What I mean by that is each woman seemed very confident – like in every way (relationship, career, body, etc).  Each seemed to live on purpose.   Each seemed to have passion for her life.  Each seemed happy – like almost always happy.  Each exuded an inner peace and strong connection with self.

There was just something about each that drew me to her.  Now I wasn’t a stalker or a copy-cat weird-o, but I found myself keeping an eye on her… wondering.

I wondered:

  • How come she’s always so happy?
  • What makes her so confident?
  • How did she create such a fabulous life?
  • What are her secrets?
  • Will she share them with me?

Don’t get me wrong – I was aware that my life was a very nice life, and I was aware that theirs was likely not perfect.  It was simply intriguing to watch them go through life with an energy I craved more of.

One day I found out a big part of their common ‘secret’

While I don’t think it’s everything about their secret, I do think it’s a big reason why they moved so confidently and joyfully through life.

There was finally a woman who I befriended enough to ask.  It was a little bit of an awkward conversation at first, but once I asked, she was happy to explain.

She hadn’t always been that way.  She hadn’t alway had this sense of ease.  But this is what brought it:

Learning to love herself.
Finding who and what she loved.
Letting go of the bs. 
(she explained this stuff from the past that bugged her and any negative thinking)
Making self-care a high priority.  (saying ‘no’ to things, releasing guilt, how she treated her body, etc)
Being grateful every day.

That list was shorter than I’d expected, and I bet if I’d asked each woman who drew my attention, I’d receive a variety of lists.  However, hers was pretty darn good.

Although it’s a short list, I realize it’s not necessarily simple to achieve.  If you’re interested in getting a bit deeper with these actions, start with these steps:

  • look over the list with an open mind so you can define each in your way
  • think about which on this list you need to work on (no worries if it’s everything – remember turtle steps)
  • decide which one you want to focus on first
  • create a way you can focus on the steps you need to take so you can love yourself, find what you love, let go of bs, do self-care, and be grateful.

Need some advice on which steps to take?  I can help you!  Make an appointment to chat by going here.

Enjoy each day,