Take the first step toward healing the pain in your past by changing how you view pain.
This meditation will help.
Everyone suffers in life. It is part of your life, but it doesn’t have to limit or define you. If you’re like most people you haven’t been taught the correct information about pain. When pain happens in your life, you feel it and then push it aside… perhaps waiting for ‘time to heal all wounds.’ That doesn’t work.
Maybe you learned to stuff the pain inside or ignore it in some other way (through medication, alcohol or other drugs, working too much, spending money, etc). This never truly heals the pain – it just makes it less noticeable, but then something happens and the pain is sparked again.
You don’t need to live that way. To start, you can shift how you view pain – that is your first step. This meditation will show you how!
After you listen, make an appointment with Shannon for a free Breakthrough Session so together you can see how she can help you heal the pain in your life once and for all! Go here to schedule an appointment.
You can also access more information by going here: www.shannonelhart.com/explore