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Let me tell you why I hate the phrase ‘Life is hard’.  Your thoughts, your words… they are SO important.  Vital.

Each of them adds to the creation of your life – to what you experience.  So if you have this phrase – Life is hard – in your language… if you think it… if you say it → STOP!

The more you hold that belief, especially if you express it to yourself and/or others, the more you’ll experience a hard life.

Is life hard?  Yeah, sometimes it’s really, really challenging.  It is for all of us.  And those times aren’t fun.

But they are purposeful.

We learn and grow in those times.  They’re our opportunity to become a better person.

Still – life isn’t always hard.  Unless, of course, you’re constantly affirming that it is.

If you’re repeating this phrase often and you’re experiencing a lot of hardship, just try this out.  Stop thinking or saying that phrase and instead say something like this:

“Life flows for me, good things come into my life each day, happiness is easy, abundance surrounds me, and I am grateful for all that I have in this moment.”

And when life does throws a challenge your way – be with it – don’t resist it and do not, by any means, start to label your life as ‘hard’ or it’s more likely to remain that way.

If you feel stuck in this mentality, if your life really does feel hard all the time, and you know this is because you’ve had a lot of suffering in your life – let’s talk.  I’d love to help you heal that so you can be free from a hard life.  Tap on the image below to make an appointment for a free consultation with me.  It’d be nice to meet you :)

Cheers to truth,

Life can be a bit stressful at times, that’s why learning how to remain calm is so important – meditation is the best path to that inner peace. 

Want to learn how?  Sign up below to learn more about my course, Meditation 77 – coming soon!