If you’ve ever been in traditional therapy – talking about your issues, problems, and emotions… then the thought of it might make you want to run in the other opposite direction of a therapist’s office. I don’t believe traditional therapy is the best answer for everyone who is struggling or for every problem – it’s why I created an alternative to therapy – a proven process where you do not have to talk endlessly about your issues, problems, and emotions.
Insight Healing™ is like a journey you go on. Its purpose is for you to better understand yourSELF, your life, and your past because that is what makes up YOU!
Different from therapy, the Insight Healing process is not a time for you to relive the past by talking and talking and talking about it while someone listens and nods his head. Instead, it’s very purposeful, intentional, and action-oriented. You actually DO things and learn new skills that help you heal and live happier for the rest of your life.
Insight Healing puts you in the driver’s seat of your healing. You don’t only heal from the painful things you’ve experienced – you learn a process you can use when more tough things happen in your life. The Insight Healing process brings back your authentic self, your joy, and your confidence. It transforms your life and your future.
If you’re ready to leave the painful past behind, you will love Insight Healing!
Insight Healing™ is an alternative to traditional therapy
because it teaches you how to heal painful events from your past because those experiences are why you are suffering today.
It’s time to think in a new way about your past and your pain & suffering
What if pain plays a different role in life than you’ve always thought? What if there is a reason why we all suffer?
From healing my past and from helping hundreds of people heal the pain they’ve experienced, I’ve found interesting and common results.
When you heal pain from your past:
- you become a better person – more accepting, compassionate, and forgiving
- you immediately become happier
- your confidence increases (I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true!)
- people notice that you’re happier
- you have fewer ‘bad’ days
- it’s easier to cope with all your different emotions
- you understand yourself better… at a deeper, more meaningful level
- you’re no longer stuck in the past
- you are no longer connected with the person who hurt you (anger, sadness, confusion, or jealousy keep you connected, forgiveness and acceptance free you)
- it’s easier for you to create what you want in your future (because the past no longer holds you back)
- something everyone has experienced is that other people notice the changes in you… you’ll hear things like, ‘You seem different – happier‘ ‘I’ve never seen you so (happy, confident, peaceful, cheerful, calm),’ and even, believe it or not, ‘You look younger.’
- you realize that your personal and private healing truly has an impact… that your healing makes a positive difference, not only in your life, but in the world. We all know there is plenty of fear and anger on Earth, but what we need are more happy & healed people – and now you are one of those people!
Another powerful result of healing your past is that it makes you better at all your ‘roles’. You become your best self, and that makes you a better wife or partner, a better mom, a better friend, daughter, and sister, a better employee and neighbor, a better everything. This is because you are free from the sadness and anger from the past, and you are happy in the now… in this present moment.
There is nothing more important than healing the pain you’ve experienced.
How does Insight Healing heal the pain from my past?
Insight Healing™ is an alternative to therapy, and it’s designed to heal emotional pain.
Insight Healing™ is a therapeutic technique developed by Shannon Elhart and only offered at Green Heart. You can learn why she developed it by going here.
In a nutshell:
- You can use Insight Healing’s process from the comfort & privacy of your home (no trips to a therapist’s office, no fitting appointments into your already tight schedule)
- It’s a process you learn so that you can use its steps over and over again, because, let’s face it… more painful things will happen as long as you’re alive
- If you’d like, you can interact with a group of people who are also healing pain. This is nice if you’d like the support and encouragement of a community, if not, you simply work on your own.
- The process you use TRANSFORMS you and your future. Here’s how:
The transformation happens because you learn these things:
- Mindset – how to use your thinking patterns to empower you and help you create your happiest future
- How your all the pain from your past affecting you, and how it overlap – which helps you heal more quickly and deeply
- What you need to do in order to love yourself and know you’re worthy
- How to use all of your emotions to help you rather than keep you feeling trapped in anger or depression
- What’s necessary in order to really view your experience differently
- HOW to forgive yourself and others (there is a process for both types of forgiveness)
- What you can do to be more intentional and purposeful about how your future unfolds, so that you really can live your best life with as much happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment as you want
Learn how Insight Healing™ is used in a program designed specifically to heal the pain from your past
There are two ways you can get started with healing today:
Free Consultation Calls
If you know you’re ready to start healing – make an appointment to speak with me. I provide free consultations for people who are sick and tired of the pain from their past, and who are ready to leave it behind so they can live their best future.
These are not sales calls. If we seem to work well together, and if I am certain that how I help people heal will work for you – then we’ll discuss what that would look like.
If not, I’ll provide you with other resources to help you get started with healing the past because I want you to heal.
Free Masterclass or Mini-Courses
A great place to start is with my free masterclass or mini-courses. There are a variety of topics (listed below), and each course will teach you want you need to do in order to heal the pain from your past.
TOPICS: forgiveness, divorce, self-worth & loving yourself, rape or other violence, child abuse, alcoholism/addiction