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There are 9 things you need to know about the bad things that happen in your life.  Understanding these things will help you heal and leave them in the past… where they belong!

What bad things have happened in your life?  Here are some common ones:

  • Divorce
  • Health issues
  • Trauma
  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Relationship issues
  • Depression
  • Violence
  • Low self-concept
  • Financial struggles
  • Grief
  • Addiction

When you’ve been suffering, you might have even asked ‘Why do these things happen to me (or to other good people)?’ or ‘Why do we have to suffer so much as human beings?’

Here are 9 things that’ll help you understand suffering better and begin to see it from a different viewpoint:

  • 1. When we suffer it’s like a message being sent to us – from our higher power, our high self, the Universe, or some other source
  • 2. That message can be one of these things:
    • It’s time for you to slow down and take better care of yourself or your life
    • It’s time for you to be a student and learn an important lesson such as forgiveness, patience, or acceptance
    • It’s time for you to be a teacher and help someone else learn an important lesson from life
    • It’s time for you to be part of the big picture – for the entire world’s evolving to a higher level of consciousness
    • It’s time for you to learn, grow, and evolve
  • 3. Once we get that message, it’s time to dive into the suffering rather than avoid it.  Like most people you’ve probably been taught to stuff the pain inside – ignore it, act like you’re alright, put on your happy face.  Or maybe you were taught to act out – get drunk, have a fist fight with someone, focus on working 60 hours a week so you can’t feel the pain as much.
  • 4. Suffering provides you a time to grow and learn, but it also provides you a time to ask for help.  Too many people are overly stoic or worried what others think, when in truth we all suffer, we all need help, and we all desire to be happy and loved.
  • 5. Your suffering isn’t a punishment.  It might be a result of your choices.  It might feel like a punishment.  But it’s actually a message for you to dig deep and grow, to consider a different perspective, to learn something new, and to evolve to a higher level of awareness.
  • 6. There is no need to compare your suffering with others’ suffering.  Even if the exact same things happens to two different people (i.e. each has a newborn child die the day after birth from a heart condition), the thoughts and emotions about that grief will be unique for each individual.  If you get caught up in the ‘why did this happen to me?’ type of thinking, you’ll always be at arms length from your healing.
  • 7. Your suffering and all the thoughts and emotions that come from it are not to be ignored or judged.  Your thoughts and feelings are unique to you, and there is no reason for you to explain or justify them.  They need to be explored.  You’ll need to see what the suffering is doing to and for you.  You’ll need to ask yourself a lot of questions, the most important one is, ‘What can I learn from this pain?  How can this pain make me a better person?
  • 8. Your suffering is meant to be temporary.  People carry a lifetime of suffering with them when they decide to not heal it.  In order for the suffering to fade and be left in the past, you must heal it.  That is the purpose of your pain – for you to learn, grow, and become a better person.  Healing that pain is the way to leaving it behind… in the past where it belongs.
  • 9. There is a process for healing pain and suffering.  I’ve created it.  It’s called The Healing Journey, and it’s something you can do in the privacy of your home.  To learn more about it tap on the image below.

One thing’s for sure, you are not alone when you suffer.  We all have our times of suffering because we all need to grow.  Don’t let your suffering limit or define you… instead let it transform you.

If you’d like to speak directly with me, please go here to set up a free consultation call.  Together we can determine if The Healing Journey is the right fit for you to let go of the past.

Enjoy each day,

P.S. Next week I’ll explain why you should never stuff pain inside.