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Have you ever wondered why you believe something?

I’m not talking about gravity.  We can drop a spoon to the floor and remember why we believe.

I’m talking about God.  Love.  Heaven.  Hell.  Fear.  Your dreams.  Life.

Why do you believe?  Perhaps even what do you believe?

It’s worth exploring.  It’s worth knowing.

It’s worth looking beneath the ‘because I was taught to believe this‘ or ‘because my family believes‘.

It’s worth looking beneath your surface.  It’s worth not being simply a habit of belief.

Find your whys and whats.  Find your center that defines and influences everything about you.

If you don’t find it, create it.  Create your truth.

Don’t allow it to be hollow or rote.  Make it meaningful.  Authentic.  Powerful.  Personal.

Make each belief reflect YOU.  Then put your actions and voice behind them.

When you do this – hold your beliefs, especially without worry for others’ opinion – your beliefs will give you wings.