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If you’re in the U.S.A., then you probably celebrated Independence Day yesterday – July fourth.  It’s a big deal, especially when you really think about your freedom.  Not everyone in the world has the freedoms we enjoy in the states.  It’s def not something to take lightly even when we celebrate with family and friends, picnics and fireworks, popsicles and sparklers.

Today I want to talk about some unexpected ways you can enjoy being free…

Do you feel free in your life?

I think a lot of us can get pretty hung up on feeling trapped.  Maybe in a career we loathe or a stale relationship.  We might feel caught up in a stressful situation where we lose sleep or just feel anxious a lot.  We could feel trapped where we live or in a financial rut we can’t seem to shake.  It’s possible to even feel stuck in loneliness or not having enough quiet, ‘me time.’

But here’s the thing.  We always have choice.


Even if it’s only with our perspective.  Or dream.  Or vision.  Or what we choose to focus on or do.

I want you to think of a way you might feel stuck lately.  And hold that thought.  Then consider these tips to celebrate that you really are free… free in more ways than you might realize (or remember).

How FREE are you?

Here are 8 ways you can celebrate the freedom you have to choose how you experience and respond to life.

Your mind ::

1 – Just like the food you eat, you choose what to put in your mind, so choose wisely.  If you’re feeling discouraged in life – in any way – do a quick evaluation of what you’re feeding your mind.  If it’s filled with a lot of negativity (i.e. the nightly news or pessimistic people), then decide to fill your mind with more positive things.  You can always return to nightly news watching if you want, but for now – fill your mind with good stuff.

2 – A great way to be more optimistic and at peace is by using a daily sacred routine. This sounds more serious than it is, so hear me out.  This can or cannot be religious or spiritual.  All it means is that you create a routine for every morning – something that is sacred.  Let’s face it, brushing your teeth can be considered a bit sacred because you do it twice a day no matter what.  I’m talking about a sacred routine that’s a bit more meaningful though, and it can contain all sorts of things like prayer, meditation, yoga (even only a few moves), journaling, walking in nature, expressing gratitude, or envisioning what you want in life.  You choose how you start your day.

3 – Pay more attention to what runs through your thoughts.  This might sound really overboard but consider setting a random alarm on your phone, and when it goes off see what your thoughts have been. Your thinking patterns are really important (I’ll explain more on that below) because they influence a lot about you and your life experiences.  If you tend to think negatively about yourself, others, your life, the world – choose to practice more positive thinking.  Trust me, you will notice a difference.

Your perspective ::

4 – If (who’m I kidding?!) WHEN something in your life upsets you, try flipping it around. As odd as this might sound, I will imagine myself lifting from the circumstance to a bird’s eye view or the vantage point 180 degrees from where I am. – sometimes even the other person’s view (which can be scary but very eye-opening).  Things happen in life, and sometimes they suck.  If we can trust that there’s purpose or, at the least, one thing we can learn from anything that happens in life, we will be able to find acceptance much more quickly.  What’s even better, we can learn and grow through the tough times, if we choose to find that different perspective which is part of conscious healing.  You have choice – always – over how you view your life circumstances.

Your body ::

5 – Move.  Yep, that’s as simple as it can get.  You always have the option to move.  Get up.  Take a walk.  Do some yoga poses.  Stretch.  Go outside and let the sun shine on your face.  Feel the bark of a tree trunk or the petals of a flower.

What if I’m in a meeting?  Excuse yourself for a bathroom break and take the long way.

What if I’m in the middle of an argument?  Have an agreement with those you know best, and a practice for anyone else – that when things get tense enough that there is no productivity in the ‘discussion’, you take a break from it.

What if I really can’t get up, like I’m sitting in a long taxi ride?  Massage your hands, move your head around to stretch your neck, or even get out a piece of paper and doodle to move your fingers (and your mind).  If that’s not enough, move your mind more strategically… see eight.

Your emotions ::

6 – You are feeling something all the time.  If that doesn’t seem true it’s because you’re at peace or relaxed in a calm.  Here’s the thing – your emotions don’t just happen.  Your thoughts create them.  Yep, you can choose your emotions, too, because you choose your thoughts and those result in emotions.  So if you’re feeling un-free (or trapped in depression, anger, shame, or anything yucky like that), stop and think about your recent thinking.  How can you think differently?  How can you see this in a new way (re-read #4)? How can you shift your patterns of thought so that your emotions become more comfortable?

7 – Allow time for your emotions – even the sh*tty ones.  Yes, we all feel anger, jealousy, resentment, fear, and upset tummies.  It’s natural, an unavoidable part of being human. So allow it.  Be upset (while doing no harm, of course), give anger some space, let jealousy walk around a bit, sit down with resentment and have a chat, let shame tell you what’s going on.  THEN you can move out of the emotion by taking action.  Sometimes we think these states are so uncomfortable (and they kinda are) or even ‘bad’ so we shove them inside or ignore them completely.  Choose differently next time.

Your creations ::

8 – What?  You’re not creative?!  Yes, you are.

You create your life all the time by desiring, dreaming, planning, and working hard.  You can’t forget the working hard part.  If you’re unhappy where you are, then where do you want to be?  Figure that out first, then determine how you can get there or to some version of there.

Sometimes these things are right in our grasp.  You want to lose twenty pounds.  Okay, modify your food intake, get exercising, and make progress.

Sometimes they are not right in our grasp.  You want to live in Bali, but your husband and children are pretty darn settled in Cincinnati, Ohio.  So find ways to be in Bali – a vacation would be wonderful but pricey, so can you choose to decorate your bedroom in a Balinese fashion?  Can you start saving for a trip there?  Could you get your husband on board to living there in the future and begin plans for a big adventure?

Be clear on what you want to create in your life, then be diligent about giving life to your dreams… they are for your choosing.

How FREE are you?

Pretty darn free when you think of it.  Yes, you can vote, swing by your local religious gathering of choice, and smoke if you choose to, but there’s so much more to your freedom.  Tap into how you DO your life and reconnect to all the power that keeps you free to choose!

Hey, what’s your favorite tip or two from above?  I’d love to know – share it in a comment below!


P.S. Next week I’m going to be talking about why you should be more open with your kids about the tough times in your life… yes, you read that right!  Let’s open some doors to communicating with our kids.

Speaking of #2 up above, if you’re interested in meditating, sign up to learn more about my upcoming course ‘Meditation 77’ – you’ll love it!
Coming summer 2017